Many things set financial advisors apart from one another. Education, personality, and investment philosophy are just some of the ways that a potential client can evaluate the decision to pursue an advisor relationship. I have written before about whether financial advisors are needed or the difficulty in reading their disclosures, but what I haven’t talked […]
Why I Love Being a Finance Professor
It was never my plan, in fact, becoming a finance professor wasn’t even a thought until I started applying to grad school. However, even though it wasn’t planned, I had been preparing for this role for a long time. Looking back it only makes sense that I would have ended up a finance professor. This […]
Daydreaming of a Market Correction
Most people dread the possibility of a market pullback. The wealth destruction and the drop in their investment account balances cause panic and fear. These things do happen, and the market will have a major pullback, but predicting when is a fool’s errand. Instead, its time to not only accept a market correction but to […]
457b: The Holy Grail of Early Retirement Accounts
Debating on a Roth or traditional retirement plan is usually as involved as choosing a retirement account gets. But, last year I was thrown for a loop. I found out my employer offered the holy grail of retirement plans. The 457b deferred compensation plan. This plan isn’t anything like an IRA, 401k, or 403b. The 457b […]
Agency Conflict and Real Estate Agents
The principal-agent relationship is necessary for many of life’s adventures. When you purchase a house, you have an agent help you find the home of your dreams. When you own stock, you have a CEO act in your best interest to manage your company. Agency relationships are everywhere. However, while the agent provides many benefits […]
Protect Your Assets With Umbrella Insurance
You have worked hard to accumulate a retirement account and a wealth of other assets, but the fact that you have this level of success can also make you a target. Your success makes you the holder of the deep pockets that others may be wanting to raid. What is Umbrella Insurance? Car insurance protects […]