I recently found myself comparing replacement lightbulbs at my local Home Depot store. Each box touted the details of energy savings, lumens, wattage, and of course, the price. After doing some rough calculations, I found that, at the same cost as traditional incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs offered huge energy cost savings. Later that evening, I […]
Leave Your Finances Alone
It may sound counterintuitive, but it is easy to get too involved in your finances, especially after you have spent the time to automate and plan for your future. Most of us have fallen into this trap all too many times, because it is easy to get excited about the numbers and your goals. What […]
How I Went Completely Paperless
Going paperless was the best decision I have ever made when it comes to financial efficiency and even general day to day life efficiency. I’m going to lay out the basic guidelines I followed on my path to going paperless. This wasn’t an easy task, but the rewards are huge. I now have more time, […]